Directory of Helping Services | Medical Social Work

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Parent Organisation Bermuda Hospitals Board
Contact Person Lakeisha Wolffe
Contact Position Clinical supervisor medical social worker
Phone Number 441-239-2269
Fax Number 441-239-2072
Email Address
Physical Address 7 Point Finger Road
Paget DV 04
Mailing Address P.O. Box HM 1023
Hamilton HM DX
Hours of Operation 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday; after hours, weekends, holidays, contact KEMH operator for on-call Medical Social Worker
Referral Procedure For all KEMH in-patients and out-patients only

About Medical Social Work


To provide social services to patients while hospitalized up until discharge or transfer overseas


  • Support patients and their families with the problems that accompany illness or inhibit recovery and rehabilitation after discharge to home and refer for counselling where appropriate.
  • Collect and analyse patient information to assist other health professionals.
  • Assess patient and family functioning on an ongoing basis, providing or recommending community services as conditions change.
  • Coordinate services with other multi-disciplinary team members for home care and equipment, or referral service to community resources such as day care and long-term care facilities.
  • Assist with transfers of patients via commercial flight or by air ambulance for further treatment abroad.

Categories: Counselling

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