Directory of Helping Services | Meals on Wheels

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Contact Person Tannika Rodrigues
Contact Position Administrator
Phone Number 236-1815
Fax Number 232-2070
Email Address
Website Address
Physical Address 103 South Road, Paget PG 03
Mailing Address P.O. Box DV 383, Devonshire DV BX
Hours of Operation 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m., Monday to Friday (excluding Thursday).
Referral Procedure Professional social worker, medical doctor and other medical personnel.

About Meals on Wheels


Our goal is to prepare and deliver a nutritious meal to those in the community who are incapacitated or are otherwise unable to prepare a nourishing meal on their own and who have no caregiver, friend or family member who can consistently provide this service.


  • To provide and promote a community service by way of help, in emergency or distress and to maintain regular personal contact with the persons concerned.
  • To ensure healthy and nutritious meals are delivered to the elderly and housebound.
  • Meals include soup in the winter, juice in the summer, a protein, starch, two vegetables and dessert. Recipients’ medical dietary needs are also taken into consideration.
  • An Optional Frozen meal is provided for Thursdays when deliveries are not offered.

Categories: Charity, Dementia

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