Directory of Helping Services | Healthy Schools

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Parent Organisation Health Promotion and Wellness Office / DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
Contact Person Marie Beach
Contact Position Healthy Schools Coordinator
Phone Number 441-444-0666
Cell Number 441-704-0111
Fax Number 441-292-9125
Email Address
Secondary Phone 441-278-4900
Secondary Email
Website Address
Facebook Page facebook/profile.php?id=206050022787551&ref=br_rs
Physical Address Continental Building,
25 Church Street,
Hamilton HM 12
Mailing Address P.O. Box HM 1195,
Hamilton HM EX
Hours of Operation 8:45 am - 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday

About Healthy Schools


To improve the health and wellbeing of school-aged students through a coordinated, comprehensive partnership between government, schools, families and the community.


  • Seeks to make schools, students, and their families aware of information regarding healthy options, risk reduction, professional support and services available; and to work with a range of partners to develop and implement appropriate programmes to create healthier environments for schools and students. Provides and coordinates health presentations at school assemblies, PTAs and staff meetings, and in community settings.

Categories: Department of Health, Education, Environment, Government & Quangos, Health - Physical

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