Directory of Helping Services | [WEBDIRECTORY-SEARCH]

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Hide categories and locations search, example keywords “school, florist, john”

Try to search: school, florist, john

Search in radius 0 miles

[webdirectory-search show_categories_search=0 show_locations_search=0 keywords_search_examples="school, florist, john"]

Default search values for category, address fields and radius slider.

[webdirectory-search category="business-services" address="1600 Amphitheatre Parkway Mountain View, CA 94043" radius="5"]

Search in radius 5 miles

Hide keywords, address, locations search fields, search button and radius slider. Leave only categories search.

[webdirectory-search show_categories_search=1 show_locations_search=0 show_address_search=0 show_keywords_search=0 show_radius_search=0 hide_search_button=1]



Full list of search shortcode parameters here.