Directory of Helping Services | How to Register -AM draft

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What the purpose of the Personal Home Care Registry?

The purpose is to create a vetting process of home care providers for the government payers to reimburse care providers of good standing, and thereby protect vulnerable persons of the public who may need home care services.


Who are the government payers?

The government payers Health Insurance Department HIP and FutureCare plans, Dept. of Financial Assistance, and Dept. of Social Insurance for War Vets provide home care benefits on behalf of their clients.


Why register?

Registration is for caregivers providing care to someone in their own home, not other care settings.
In order to receive claim reimbursement from one of the government payers you MUST have active, approved status on the Personal Home Care Registry.


What do I need to do to complete registration?

  1. Determine which type of applicants you are-
  2. Self- employed, individuals, includes family caregivers.
  3. Home care agency- agency completes application in agency name and lists all employee, and collects/submits documents.
  4. Collect your required documents, copy and be prepared to upload during application.
  5. Log on to: /register/. Create a user account if new applicant, or log in.
  6. Complete the application.
  7. Complete online screening questions and declarative statement, date and sign.
  8. Upload the documents required.


What are the required documents?

  1. All Applicants New or Renewing – you will need to print out the template forms, have appropriate person fill in, and return to you so that you may upload.
    1. Medical Certificate for Home care Providers  within last 12 months – completed by employee’s GP/doctor indicating mental and physical fitness to provide care.(hyperlink)
    2. Copy of Photo ID
    3. Criminal record check of past 7 years – by Bda Police Service or Magistrate Court– issued within the last 24 months
    4. Current CPR and First Aid certification
    5. Copy of work permit, spousal letter or PRC. Note for  work permit holders- a copy of the work permit is required that that identifies the:
      1. Employer as either the person/family receiving the care, or the home care agency,
      2. Role of the care provider,
      3. Date of issue and expiration.
  2. Personal Caregivers –additional required –
    1. Resume of prior work experience.
    2. Home Care Provider Reference Questionnaire.
    3. CPR certification must include First Aid
  3. skilled caregiver, nursing associate, or nurse-additional required-
    1. Copy of current nursing registration card
  4. Home Care Agency -additional required forms
    1. Employee Listing Form
    2. Screening Questions and Declarative Statement for EACH employee.  
    3. Make sure to have all documents listed in the section A. above, for each employee. These should be on file at the agency and are subject to audit


How do I know when I am approved as a home care provider?

Approval letters are emailed once all documents are reviewed and verified. This may take 3-7 business days. There is no backdating. Incomplete applications will delay review and approval.


When does my home care provider registration expire?

Once approved your home care provider registration expires in 2 years, or, if you are a nursing professional, on the same date when your nursing registration expires, whichever comes first.


When do I need to update my profile or renew?

You need to update/renew your profile online when there are changes to your contact info, or documents to be renewed.


As a Home Care agency what if my employee listing changes?

The Home care agency owner/admin will need to submit an additional employee listing form for any new or terminated employees.


How often do I need to register?

Every 2 years, or the date your Bermuda Nursing Council registration expires if that comes first, and you are registered as a skilled caregiver or NA or RN.


What if I am already registered as a Nursing Associate or Nurse?

This registration is separate from the Bermuda Nursing Council registration and specific to providing care in a person’s private home. But if you are planning to register for home care as a skilled caregiver (NA, GA) or Nurse (RN, EN) your BNC registration MUST be current.


What if my registration with the as a nursing associate or nurse has lapsed?

The scope of practice and responsibilities of the nursing profession is regulated by the Bermuda Nursing and Midwifery Act. Only providers who are current in their registration with the Bermuda Nursing Council may represent themselves to the public as such.  Once your BNC registration lapses, if you are registered with ADS as a home care provider – – you are no longer eligible to submit claims as a skilled caregiver, as this requires current BNC registration.


How do I know when I am approved/active as registered home care provider?

Your application must be complete before it will be reviewed, including all required documents.
Once you are approved you will be notified by email, and the effective date, expiry date, and provider type will be stated in the letter you receive. You should save this email in case you need to show any client that you have active registration.
There is no backdating of approval dates.


Okay, I have been approved as a home care provider. How do I get paid?

As a home care provider your payments for service should be determined as part of the service care agreement you make with a client. Your payments may come from more than one source depending on your client. For those clients with HIP, FutureCare, DFA and, or War vet home care benefits service claims are submitted to the Health Insurance Department. Go to : for details, and forms you will need.

You may also need to submit invoices to your client for any charges not covered by their home care insurance/government benefits. Your invoices need to show for each time period: the total amount charged, the amount reimbursed from their government benefit, and the remaining balance due.


What do I need to know as a home care provider to submit proper claims to the government payers?

All health care providers are responsible and accountable for the claims submitted in their name.
Health care providers may only bill for services they delivered directly. You may not submit claims in your name as the provider if someone else is providing the care.

You may only submit a claim for actual dates and times of service that you provided care to the client.

Health care providers not permitted to ask for upfront payments from your clients before service is delivered.
The scope of practice and responsibilities of the nursing profession is regulated by the Bermuda Nursing and Midwifery Act. Only providers who are current in their registration with the Bermuda Nursing Council may represent themselves to the public as such.


Where can I access a computer, printer, and scanner?

If you do not have access to a computer or printer in your home, here are some places where you can access and use the website:

Bermuda National Library

  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Computers available for public use
    • Printing possible, 50cent a copy
  • Copier available
  • Public use – free of charge
    • Except for printing/copying
  • Opening hours: Mon-Thu 8:30am–5:00pm, Fri 10:00am–5:00pm, Sat 9:00am–5:00pm

Kit and caboodle

  • Documents can be scanned and sent to an email address for a small fee
  • Opening hours: Mon-Fri 10:00am-5:00pm, Sat 10:00am-4:00pm