Directory of Helping Services | Nutrition Services

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Parent Organisation DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH
Contact Person Cymone Hollis
Contact Position Public Health Nutritionist
Phone Number 441-444-1708
Fax Number 441-292-7627
Email Address
Secondary contact 441-246-7709
Secondary Email
Website Address
Facebook Page facebook/DepartmentofHealthBermuda
Physical Address Hamilton Health Centre
67 Victoria Street,
Hamilton HM 12
Mailing Address P.O. Box HM 1195,
Hamilton HM EX
Hours of Operation 8:30 a.m. - 4:45 p.m., Monday to Friday. CLOSED: 12:30 p.m. - 1:45 p.m.
Referral Procedure Healthcare provider or self-referral

About Nutrition Services


Provides nutrition services to schools, rest homes and prisons. And promotes healthy eating behaviours in the prevention of chronic diseases in the population.


  • Advises and monitors schools, rest homes and prisons on the development and implementation of appropriate nutrition policies.
  • Provides talks and workshops on good nutrition practices to schools, PTAs, rest homes and community agencies.
  • Assembles and distributes lists of relevant local nutrition resources.
  • Provides individual nutritional assessment and counselling to uninsured or underinsured clients such as infants, students, adults and seniors.

Categories: Counselling, Department of Health, Education, Food / Food Pantry, Government & Quangos, Health - Physical, Life Skills, Meals

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