Directory of Helping Services | National Drug Control

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Contact Person Shavana Wilson
Phone Number 294-9710
Cell Number 505-4038
Fax Number 295-4038
Email Address
Website Address
Physical Address Suite 304, Melbourne House, 11 Parliament Street, Hamilton HM 12
Mailing Address P. O. Box HM 480, Hamilton HM CX
Hours of Operation 8:45 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

About National Drug Control


Provide leadership, policy coordination, for planning, development, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive national system of alcohol, tobacco and other drug (ATOD) prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services.


  • Teen Peace Substance Abuse Prevention Afterschool Programme. - Aligns students with pro-social adult role models that provide social and emotional; resiliency, academic skill development in a fun and enriching environment for middle school students.
  • AL'S PALS: Kids Making Healthy Choices Programme - Early-childhood prevention programme designed to promote social and emotional competence in children ages 3 to 8 by enhancing teachers' abilities to create nurturing classroom environments and to foster children’s development of resilience-related behaviours.
  • WOMEN’S TREATMENT CENTRE - Therapeutic residential facility that uses evidence-based therapy for women affected by substance use disorders.
  • MEN’S TREATMENT CENTRE - Therapeutic residential facility that uses evidence-based therapy for men affected by substance use disorders.

Categories: Abuse - Drugs and Alcohol, Advocacy, After-school / Summer School Programmes, Behavioural Problems, Education, Emotional Problems, Life Skills, Mentoring, Parenting

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