Directory of Helping Services | Multiple Sclerosis Society of Bermuda

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Contact Person Angela Cotterill,
Contact Position co vice-president
Phone Number 293-0772
Email Address
Website Address
Mailing Address P.O. Box HM 1426, Hamilton HM FX
Hours of Operation Available 24/7 365 days.
Referral Procedure Self-referral, friend, family or by healthcare provider.

About Multiple Sclerosis Society of Bermuda


Help local Bermudians who have been recently diagnosed with MS with the cost of medications, education through meetings and to support and work with persons with multiple sclerosis and their families to better understand and cope with many varied symptoms of the disease.


  • Support and work with persons with multiple sclerosis and their families to better understand and cope with the many varied symptoms of the disease.
  • To increase public awareness and understanding of MS, what can be done to help and the resources presently available to people with MS.
  • To raise necessary funds to finance the society and to assist MS sufferers with medical needs.

Categories: Advocacy, Disability - Physical, Health - Physical

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