Directory of Helping Services | Girlguiding Bermuda

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Contact Person Karen Trott
Contact Position Assist. Commissioner
Phone Number 441-292-0675
Cell Number 441-505-4557
Fax Number 441-292-5909
Email Address
Website Address
Physical Address Lady Asser Hut, 19A Richmond Road, Pembroke HM 08
Mailing Address P.O. Box HM 3125, Hamilton HM NX
Hours of Operation Various after school hours. 3:45 p.m. - 7:00 p.m., Monday to Friday and some Saturday meetings.
Referral Procedure Parent and guardians interested in enrolling their daughters in a fun, learning atmosphere can contact the Commissioner and the information will then be transferred to the unit of choice.
Secondary email:

About Girlguiding Bermuda


To develop coping skills, character, responsibility and leadership qualities to enable young ladies to become well-rounded individuals for life’s challenges.


  • Rainbows (5 – 7 years): Arts, crafts, working together (team work), listening skills, sports and sharing.
  • Brownies (7 – 10 years): As above plus camping, independent thought processes; household skills and needs of the community.
  • Guides (10 – 14 years): As above plus ‘Go For It’ Guide motto.
    Opens a world of discovery and involvement in activities without peer pressure of the male; learn to cope and make decisions; independent thinking in a Patrol setting.
  • Seniors (14 – 25 years): ‘Look Wider’ motto. Often return to assist; a resource for future leaders; giving back to the community; choosing careers, planning personal development; leadership skills
    encouraged through various programmes.

Categories: After-school / Summer School Programmes, Leisure Activity, Life Skills, Mentoring

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